Logo for Auricula AB.
Development of an existing logo for adaptation to the digital space.
Student project/Master thesis.
Natalie Bhanji Olsson.
In collaboration with Auricula AB.
My role.
In today's situation, a logo must be able to function both in the digital space as well as on physical products for a company to be visible on all platforms. During my master's work together with Auricula AB, I had the chance to redesign their then logo to be able to adapt it to a digital user.
During analysis of the product, two main issues were discussed:
Issue 1. - When the logo is reduced, details can be per- ceived as too small or affect the white space negatively, which means that the logo is perceived as compressed.
Issue 2. - The circles symbolize the electrodes of a classi- cal ECG monitor often used in healthcare. Auricula AB is looking to change how ECG monitors are used today with their new product, this would mean that the electrodes would no longer be needed, ie their logotype is symbol- izing a part of the market they are trying to convince the buyer to walk away from and instead invest in their prod- ucts without this particular feature.
By removing the circles from the logotype would give it more white space, more “breathing room”, it would be seen as simpler, fewer details that can be lost in translation, which would be better suited for app icons for visual interaction on the phone screen.
Logo analysis
By analysing the logotype the project got a better understand- ing of how it may affect how the user interacts with the app and how well it can be seen in the ocean of icons on the phone screen. The logotype also one way for the company to commu- nicate their values and/or goals to the user. During the analysis, the project got a deeper understanding of what values Auricula AB logotype may express.
Color pallet and fonts that was used by the company.
It can be discussed that the electrodes can be seen as a way to connect the company to an already existing market with a symbol that the stakeholders are familiar with. Looking at companies that produce similar products as Auricula AB there are many that don’t have this feature included in their logotype and still stay true to their value and products. An obstacle may also occur for the company if they want to produce other medical products that have no connection to the ECG monitor market in the future if they stay with a logotype that is strongly connected to this.
Development of the App Icon
After analysing the logotype, a suggestion of changing it to better suit the digital product and UI was expressed.
Inspired by the symbol, an alternative logo was developed that can be used when space is limited or there is a desire to use only text.
Style guide Logotype
A logotype should not only be used in digital products, it should be able to be used during marketing such as printed on products, packeting or paper. This will include many different people in the process that will use the logotype in different ways suiting their pur- pose. To communicate how the logotype should be used can minimize the risk of it losing its value, thus misrepresenting the company.
The illustration to the right shows how the logotype look in different situations such as when used on picture or printed on cardboard.
White space, or sometimes called “negative space”, is the minimum of breathing area around the logotype. In this project, this is used to not risk any deformity of the logotype used in the dig- ital products, such as the app. The size of the white space difference deepening of the size of the logotype but the mark has a clear space equal to half the width. These areas of separation are a minimum and should be increased wherever possible or needed. Other ways the logotype can be deformed and misrepresent the company is if the logotype is:
morphed or stretched
thickened to the point that it loses its white space
tapered to the point that it’s hard to see
edges are squared or pointed
the middle bar in the A is too high or too low
The picture shows tests of how the logo can be used in a digital space.
Examples of how it should not be used.
The image above illustrates different versions of the logo that can be used when needed, e.g. a stamp, one that can be used when the logo is very small, one that can be used when only text can be displayed, etc.
Example of how it can be used on a psychical product.