
This project was inspired by the childish act of playing with your food, something we all do as grownups now and as children, and my own morning routine.

  • Case.

    Student project.


  • Team.

    Natalie Bhanji Olsson.

  • My role.

    Discovery/ Development.


Pip pip..pip pip..PIP PIP!! That’s the sound I wake up to every morning. I struggle to open my eyes and wonder why on earth I haven't changed that awful alarm? Like a zombi I walk from the bedroom to the kitchen. During my efforts to put the kettle on the stove, I thank myself for preparing breakfast the day before, a bowl of overnight oats. Few seconds later I'm standing in front of the fridge staring at the oatmilk like we’re having a staring competition. It´s 5.45 in the morning and still dark outside. Through the darkness of the room I find my way to the kitchen table, sit down and start pouring that milk that obviously lost the competition, into the bowl. Looking at the milk while it swirls down and letting my mind wonder; “What was it I was supposed to do earlier? I know it was something I was thinking of when I woke up… what was it?” The milk turns everything white. “What was it?” I mindlessly pour the milk in circular motions, making the swirls bigger and when the bowl can't handle more milk, I continue to make the swirls with my spoon instead. “The alarm! I was supposed to change the alarm.. Naah I do it later”

I’m playing with my food, fascinated with the dance of the milk, round and round it goes. Just as I did as a kid, just as I have done almost every morning in my life. “Naah.. I think I leave the alarm like that, it's not that bad...” Milk going round and round like the earth orbits the sun, giving us the early mornings.